
Stores Unit

Store administration is an important function of every organisation. In Ghana, the store unit is established by the public financial management regulations,2019 and requires strict adherence to the public procurement act 2003(act 663) and the amended act,2016(act 914).
The harmonised scheme of service for staff of colleges of education requires that the head of store unit must hold the final certificate of Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply or equivalent qualification.

Currently the Ada College of Education store unit is being managed by three qualified personnel’s


  •  Receiving goods procured by the college.
  • Verification of receipts, invoices, waybills at the point of delivery of goods by suppliers.
  • Recording of detailed financial information on procurement made.
  • Issuing of goods procured to various departments and units upon certified and approved requisition by the Principal of the college.
  • Preparation of annual stock valuation report.
  • Management of college assets.
  • Advising management on proper inventory record keeping.
  • Offers technical advice on disposal of obsolete and redundant assets.

Unit Staff

Head of Unit

Frank Kinski Mikado (MCIPS)

Esther Abayiekie Tetteh Nartey

Teye-Abrantie Joshua