Science Department
We welcome you to the Department of Science Education, established since the inception of the college but officially established in 2012 when the Colleges of Education Bill was passed by Act 847 Act 2012. As part of the 15 institutions selected to train teachers in science across Ghana, Ada College became one of the colleges designated to carry out this important national assignment. The Science Department at the moment is made up of seven units headed by Dr. Hubert Asiwome Amevor.
We also offer in-service training for teachers at the Basic schools within our catchment areas where trainees are sent to practice. This has been the practice until 2018/19 when the Government of Ghana further tasked all colleges to offer degree courses. This has further strengthened the department since the activities in the department have been extended to cover other departments for supplementary courses.
At the moment, we train students in both theory and practical courses mounted by our mentoring Universities ie University of Education Winneba (UEW) and AAMUSTED. Our students who have applied to be trained in the department are always carefully selected through competitive processes that help us to select the best for training. Over the past eight years, the science department has also been assisting at least four best students to gain access to Madrinha Trust scholarships Fund scheme in the UK. Currently more than eight (8) of our immediate past students from the department have benefited from the scheme.
The agricultural unit of the department over the past fifteen years embarked on nursing and planting of different varieties of fruit crops at various portions of the college. The health and Physical Education unit offers other services like training for the security staff beside the normal classroom activities. Activities in the department are well streamlined to help students to carry out uninterrupted practical and theoretical activities in each semester. The products from the department are tried and tested to be of high standard when it comes to delivery after training. We do post training assessment on some of the trainees to appraise our teaching strategies.
Through the efforts of the Japanese Volunteer in the department, other JOCVs, occasionally visit to share their practical skills with both students and tutors in the department though demonstrations and seminars. We hope our services would be of much benefit to all prospective science students who have the intention of becoming scientifically minded teachers for Ghana and the world at large.
Finally, our pedagogical processes have been professionally tailored to demystify the study of science, making it more accessible to all