Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Unit


The Academic Planning and Quality Assurance Unit (APQAU) in the Ada College of Education was established in October, 2012. It is sometimes referred to as the Police of the College because it ensures that the College and its members follow the laid down procedures and processes in their endeavours. The APQAU works directly under the office of the College Principal.


The APQA office is located in the main Administration building on the outer corridor leading to Science Block.


Quality always rewards

Vision Statement

To become a leading unit reputed for the promotion of quality circles in the College

Mission Statement

APQA Office exists to harness all resources available to ensure that the College community follows the laid down processes and procedures in its endeavours


Its mandates are to:
i. seek institutional and programme reaccreditation of the College
ii. conduct self-evaluation in order to help correct any wrongs and irregularities in the College
iii. conduct appraisal on courses and tutors as well as the non-teaching units
iv. conduct audit and needs assessment on the College infrastructure, equipment and facilities
v. plan and scrutinize academic programmes of the College
vi. monitor class attendance of tutors, exams, quizzes and other College activities
vii. collect relevant data on the College for planning and reaccreditation purposes
viii. develop and apply quality benchmarks in all College activities
ix. audit admission and recruitment credentials of students and staff respectively

Members of the Unit

The Unit works through committee system but its day-to-day administration is conducted by two permanent staff and one National Service Person


Mr. Alfred Nukpetsi

Aleley Freeman T. F. T